
Douglas mcgregor theory x theory y pdf files
Douglas mcgregor theory x theory y pdf files

douglas mcgregor theory x theory y pdf files

The worker will exercise self-direction and self-control for achieving the objectives to which he is committed.ģ. For making the worker put forth his best efforts towards organisational objectives, external control and threat of punishment are not the only means. Once he understands the purpose of work, he exerts himself to perform it regardless of the kind of remuneration.Ģ.

douglas mcgregor theory x theory y pdf files

The average human being does not inherently dislike work. Theory Y is based on the following assumptions:ġ. It “infuses more complexity and depth into jobs by introducing planning and decision-making responsibility normally carried out at higher levels”. “Job Enrichment” involves the process of redesigning job to enhance the motivational potential of employees. Therefore, besides money and other incentives, real motivating factor is “Meaningful, interesting and challenging work”. Although he is dissatisfied with pay and facilities he is getting, he is actually not motivated to work, as the job may not be challenging. At the midpoint of “Dissatisfaction-Satisfaction”, exists a silent zone or zero point and the employee is caught at this point.

douglas mcgregor theory x theory y pdf files

He says that opposite of job satisfaction is not job dissatisfaction, but rather ‘No’ job dissatisfaction. Thus, Herzberg made managers to give their mind to analyse as to what actually makes employees motivated.

douglas mcgregor theory x theory y pdf files

Intrinsic factors lead a worker from the stage of no job satisfaction to ‘job-satisfaction’, whereas hygiene factors lead from the stage of dissatisfaction to no dissatisfaction only. Therefore, Herzberg advocates intrinsic factors (motivating factors) to motivate the worker. It may be remarked here that hygiene factors will not motivate a worker but will only stop him from becoming dissatisfied or unmotivated. This is because, the manager’s action only serves to placate employees and not motivate them. Suppose in an organisation, there are factors leading to dissatisfaction and if the manager removes these factors, there will be only peace but not necessarily satisfaction. Further, absence of job satisfaction does not mean job dissatisfaction and vice versa. Herzberg states that factors which lead to job satisfaction are quite different from those that lead to job dissatisfaction. In other words, absence or deficiency of hygiene factors can create dissatisfaction, while their presence does not promote job satisfaction. They simply provide a working environment to the worker. Herzberg’s Motivation Hygiene Theory :Īccording to Frederick Herzberg, motivation factors (also called intrinsic factors) such as feeling of achievement, job itself, responsibility, recognition, opportunity for advancement motivated the workers, whereas hygiene factors (also called extrinsic factors) such as salary, status, job security, company policy and administration, supervision, working conditions etc., only maintain or placate him and do not motivate him. It can also be stated that McGregor also has contributed a lot by his two theories, viz., Theory X and Theory Y, in which he has explained the various approaches to motivation. List of all the Renowned Theories of Motivation: Herzberg’s, McGregor’s X and Y, Victor Vroom’s, McClelland’s Need for Achievement, Equity and a More… Theories of Motivation – Top 5 Theories Theories of MotivationĪ large number of theories exist on motivation but among them two theories evolved by Abraham Maslow and Frederick Herzberg are considered outstanding. McClelland’s Need for Achievement Theory 5.

Douglas mcgregor theory x theory y pdf files